Bridging the Gap between Us and God (Two Ladders)

Uploaded on 6/30/2011

What can bridge the gap between us and God? Only the Lord Jesus -- His sinless life, His work on the Cross, and His Resurrection.

Transcribed Text:

For this illustration, Chris is going to use two ladders. One ladder says, "People," and the other says, "Heaven." Now you'll notice that there is a gap between them. That's like the gap that separates us from God. On our own, we're unable to get to heaven. See, Chris can climb the ladder, and even from the very top, he can't reach the other ladder, if he jumped, he would fall short and injure himself pretty badly.

The Bible says in Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God."

It also says in Romans 6:23, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord." Now that gift is what Jesus did for us when He died on the Cross. John 3:16 states: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him might not perish, but have everlasting life." Jesus lived a sinless life, but He took our sins upon Himself, Died, and Resurrected so that we could have Eternal Life. If we repent of our sins and accept this gift through faith, Jesus bridges that gap, rescuing us from Hell, and leading us to eternal life in Heaven. Now Chris is going to juggle up there for a second, but it's important to remember the message here; on our own, we cannot make it to heaven. Our own righteousness is "as filthy rags," the Bible says. but if we accept the free gift of what Jesus did for us, He washes over our sins, bridges that gap, and makes us able to enter a perfect Heaven.


Performer: C. Fowler

Script: C. Fowler, edited by S. Franklin

Voiceover: Zach Buckler

Editing: S. Franklin

Captions and Subtitles: S. Franklin, M. Oberholster